Installing Unity — Windows

4 min readApr 18, 2021


Installing Unity

You want to start your Game development journey? You heard of Unity3D?

Here in this story you will learn how to start with Unity3D by installing it on your Microsoft Windows computer.

To do so in 2021 you need to first download Unity Hub to then install Unity Editor through it.

Unity Hub


To install Unity Hub you will need to head over There you can find Download Unity Hub green button. You may use the left button, but it may be more complexe. Since it will redirect you to the shop.


Once downloaded, run the automatic installer you just downloaded. You need to have administrator rights to do so.

Once the Windows admin rights confirm (or not depending your settings) you will have this window helping you installing Git.

In this story the current Unity Hub version is 2.4.3.

Unity Terms of Service

On this first page you will be greeted by the Unity Terms of Service.

This section tell you what you can and cannot do with the software Unity.

Once read, click Next.

Install Path

The second page ask you where you want to install the software. If you are unsure, leave it by default.

If you have more than one drive, you may want to install it there to reduce the usage of your primary system drive C:\.

Once your choice is made, press Install.

Installation progress

Once you click on install, you will see the installation progress as shown here.

Take note that during the installation process you may see some black window (CMD) flash on your screen. This is normal for the installation of Unity.

Some CMD may flash during the instllation
Last Step

Then here it is. The last page that confirm the installation was a success. You may click on finish. The window will close and it run Unity Hub.

Note that you will need to have an Unity account to use Unity Editor. To do so, go to this story that also explain how to get the free license.

Unity Editor

Have a license

Unity Hub

First you need to be loged in your Unity Account. I will explain it in another Story that I will make soon.

Once connected you will need to activate the license of your choice.


Unity Hub installs

Now you have installed Unity Hub, you will be able to install Unity Editor. From Unity Hub this process is really simple.

On the left you can find Installs. From there you will see all your currently installed version of the Editor on your computer.

To add a new installation you will need to click on ADD on the top right. It will open a panel to let you choose which version you want.

Adding Unity Version

On this screen you will have the choice between all current availible version to install from the hub.

If you are unsure of the best version for you, take the lastest LTS Version.

Note that some older versions are only availible from the website.

Once you select your version and choose which build options you want. I recommend at least Windows Build Support and WebGL. Depending of you selection you may need to accept the agreements you will come to the following screen while Unity installs.

You may also be interested to install Visual Studio Community automatically. Up to your preference.


Once you click on Done. You will see the install progress in the Unity Hub. At this step you juste need to wait. Up to 30 minutes depending on your computer.

There you go! Unity Editor is now installed! You can now go on the Project section and start a new project with Unity!




I am an IT... hum.. Was. Now Aiming at software developping with Unity engine.